Neuerscheinung: Periodical Studies Today: Multidisciplinary Analyses. Edited by Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff and Oliver Scheiding
Combining theoretical and empirical approaches, this volume offers a wide-ranging survey of periodical research today. It illustrates the shift from content-related investigations and archival recovery to multidisciplinary analyses which consider, for instance, how magazines, newspapers, and other serial print products shape our opinions and help us to form like-minded communities.
Published by Brill 2022. Here available.
Research Workshop of German Media Studies and Aesthetics of Text-Oriented Media
Organizer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dagmar von Hoff
Organization: Sebastian Arend (M.Ed.)with help from : Annabel Kramp (M.Ed./M.A.), Simon Scharm (M.Ed.)
New publication: Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen, published by Dagmar von Hoff
With the experimental tragicomedy Frühlings Erwachen (Spring Awakening), Frank Wedekind has created an epoch piece that is still effective today.
Publisher: Wallstein Verlag, March 2020, available here.
19.12.2019 - Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer (Europe-University Flensburg)
As part of my lecture "Kultur, Erinnerung, Katastrophe - medial" Herr Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer (Europe University of Flensburg) will give a lecture on "Sturmfluten in Literatur und Film"
Time and place: 10:15 am. Building: Philosophicum I, Room P5
Ab 2020 - From 2020 - New research project with the University of Coimbra (Portugal): European journals as media laboratories of culture and history

European journals as media laboratories of culture and history
The project is focused on the seismographic potential of literary and cultural journals. Subjects are the following journals: The designed as a European Revue "Neue Rundschau" (Dr. Lena Wetenkamp), Karl Kraus' satirical magazine "Die Fackel" (Prof. Dr. António Sousa Ribeiro), Fernando Pessoas Portuguese literary magazine "Orpheu" and other Portuguese journals (Dr. Patrícia Silva) and Alfred Döblin's transnational journal "Das Goldene Tor" (Prof. Dr. Dagmar von Hoff).
05th June 2019 - Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Moira Paleari (University of Milan)
As part of my lecture "Reading Violence" Prof. Dr. Moira Paleari (University of Milan) will give a lecture on "Constellations of Violence in the Prose by Marlene Streeruwitz"
Time and Place: 10:15 am. Building: Philosophicum I, room 00 171 P4
27th April 2019 - Symposium: "Zwischenräume. Leerstellen, Brüche und Diskontinuitäten in Kunst, Musik und Literatur" at the JGU

Lecture by Dagmar von Hoff on April 27th, 2019 at the symposium "Zwischenräume: Leerstellen, Brüche und Diskontinuitäten in Kunst, Musik und Literatur" at the JGU on the topic:
Die Aufhebung des Zeitregimes: Passagen in Denis Villeneuves Film "Arrival"
Time and Place: 16:00 Georg-Forster Building: HS 02-251
25th April 2019 - Guest lecture by Janin Aadam (M.A.) (Universität Koblenz-Landau)
As part of my seminar "Medial Dispositive", Janin Aadam gives a lecture on the topic
"Lyrik transmedial. Poetry Clips"
Time and place: 25.04.2019, 12:00 Uhr c.t., room P 110
6th-8th February 2019 - International Conference "On Practices of Philosophy as Experimentation and Dissidence", Universidade de Lisboa
Presentation by Dagmar von Hoff on the 07th February 2019 at the international conference "On Practices of Philosophy as Experimentation and Dissidence" at the University of Lisbon
On the topic: "Time in the Present. Cultural Experiments and Transformations in Film".
New releases:
First book: Visualisierungen von Gewalt
Dagmar von Hoff / Brigitte E. Jirku / Lena Wetenkamp (Ed.): Visualisierungen von Gewalt
Berlin et al .: Peter Lang 2018: Aesthetic forms of expression such as literature, theater, film but also increasingly digital media turn to the topic of violence in all its differentiated forms of perception. In doing so, they often emphasize violently suppressed or excluded discourses and at the same time act as a reflection of violence and a criticism of violence. Violence presupposes an addressing and aims at the spectator, who must locate himself in this structure of violence. The individual contributions of the volume decipher the complex constellations of the different visualizations of violence in cinematic and literary narratives and make them visible.
Second book: Literarisierungen von Gewalt
Dagmar von Hoff / Brigitte E. Jirku / Lena Wetenkamp (Ed.): Visualisierungen von Gewalt
Berlin et al .: Peter Lang 2018: Aesthetic forms of expression such as literature, theater, film but also increasingly digital media turn to the topic of violence in all its differentiated forms of perception. In doing so, they often emphasize violently suppressed or excluded discourses and at the same time act as a reflection of violence and a criticism of violence. Violence presupposes an addressing and aims at the spectator, who must locate himself in this structure of violence. The individual contributions of the volume decipher the complex constellations of the different visualizations of violence in cinematic and literary narratives and make them visible.
21.11.2018: Workshop Companies and Stakeholders
Organized by Prof. Dagmar von Hoff, Prof. Jutta Ernst, Prof. Oliver Scheiding, Prof. Bjorn von Rimscha will host a workshop entitled "Companies and Actors" at the Johannes Gutenberg University on November 21, 2018 as part of the "Transnational Periodical Cultures" research program.
11.-12.10 2018: Workshop Experimentação & Dissidência
From 11.-12. October, the workshop "Experimentação & Dissidência" will take place at the Museu Coleção Berardo in Lisbon.
13.-15.06.2018: International Workshop "Mediatization of the Trauma"
From 13.-15. June, the International Workshop "Mediatization of Trauma" takes place at the German Institute of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
14.-15.12.2017: International Conference "Periodicals in Focus"
Organized by Prof. Dagmar von Hoff, Prof. Jutta Ernst, Prof. Oliver Scheiding, Prof. Bjorn von Rimscha, is part of the research program "Transnational Periodical Cultures" from 14.-15. December at the Johannes Gutenberg University the international and interdisciplinary workshop Periodicals in Focus: Methodological Approaches and Theoretical Frameworks.
Book: Einschnitte. Signaturen der Gewalt in textorientierten Medien

Dagmar von Hoff / Brigitte E. Jirku / António Sousa Ribeiro / Simonetta Sanna(Hrsg.): Einschnitte. Signaturen der Gewalt in textorientierten Medien
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2016. Literary texts as well as other artistic and media artefacts are privileged places to differentiate violence as a micro phenomenon and to live up to the ambiguity of the concept of violence. The investigations in this volume are devoted to the analysis of microdimensions, ambiguities, and ambiguous aspects that have not been adequately addressed in macroeconomic studies. It deals with aesthetic discourses that disclose hidden relationships between different forms of violence and, in the first place, expose actions or parts of actions as violent. The focus is on subtle differences and potential sources of conflict forming in the hidden, counteracting a 'naturalization' of violent phenomena. The band incisions. Signatures of violence in text-oriented media thus contributes to the further differentiation of the concept of violence.
24.-26.10.2016: Internationale Tagung: READing Violence
Organized by Prof. Dagmar von Hoff, Lena Wetenkamp (M.A.) and Prof. Brigitte Jirku, takes place as part of the DAAD program "University Dialogue with Southern Europe", from 24.-26. October at the Universitat de València the international conference READing Violence: Ambivalence of Violence .
Book: Mediale Ambivalenzen / Ambivalente Medien
Dagmar von Hoff (Hg.): Mediale Ambivalenzen / Ambivalente Medien.
Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang 2016.
The contributions presented in this volume analyze the ambivalence of media in the focus of media transparency, the myth of the media and the digital humanities. The capacity of the media to be simultaneously memory, mediator and content shows their ambivalent structure. Media make something appear and remain invisible. This transparency and media transparency determine the current discussion about a medialized world. The media is either attributed an overwhelming power or a sovereign rule of the users is proclaimed. Even in the field of new information technologies, the media is no longer just a tool to generate knowledge, but their use changes the knowledge acquisition itself.
10.06.2015: Bestowal of the Casimirus Magnus Medal from Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz in Poland for academic cooperation
Prof. Dagmar von Hoff has received the Casimirus Magnus Medal from the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz in Poland for the successful implementation of an academic cooperation project. With this important award, the Polish partner university honors those who make a contribution to the development of Bydgoszcz University and enhance its standing. The honor was bestowed upon Professor Dagmar von Hoff for initiating and supporting the cooperative academic project entitled "Transformations. New Perspectives in German Studies on Research and Teaching." This externally funded three-year project aims at the promotion of young academics and results in the three conferences and two publications. The initiative also embraced a frequent exchange of the professors and doctoral candidates involved between Mainz and Bydogoszcz, the capital of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland.
In context of the research project „Incisions. Violence in modern text oriented media“, sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), an international Workshop „Violence and Estrangement. Literary and Cinematographic Violations“ with German, Portuguese and Spanish researchers took place at the German Department of JGU Mainz. This Workshop was coordinated by Prof. Dagmar von Hoff and Lena Wetenkamp (M.A.) in cooperation with Prof. António Sousa Ribeiro (University Coimbra/Portugal). Key note speaker was Prof. Brigitte Jirku (University Valencia/Spain).
Office hours during winter term